STARS 2019

STARS is one of my favourite conferences of the year – it brings together academics and students affairs professional staff to showcase practice and how we can improve the student higher education experience.

I was excited to present on the academic integrity board game project and we had participants creating questions for the game (this is what they are doing in the 3rd picture below). Of course, the session wasn’t without some hiccups – we lost 10min of time because of technical issues and I almost started my session in the hallway! But it all worked out in the end.

Photo credits: Trina Jorre De St Jorre, Madeleine-Marie Judd, Amanda White

There were also fantastic keynotes and presentations. I’m a big sketchnoter – I prefer taking notes via drawings and diagrams than typing or writing. Here are some from the conference. The first keynote by Prof Kerri-Lee Krause was very thought provoking – what will higher education look like when the children born today finish high school and are ready to transition to higher education.

I still need to edit my conference vlog – but if you’re looking for an amazing conference that focuses on students and how we can help them make the most of their university experience, definitely consider submitting a paper or poster for 2020.

You can also check out Twitter with the hashtag #unistars for more highlights.