Category: Microsoft Education

Providing post-results feedback to students – mark breakdowns and results commentary.

When results are released at the end of term or semester, it is easy to become overwhelmed in email queries from students. In this blog post I’m going to share 2 tools I use to provide feedback to students – mark breakdowns and results commentary. Below is a sample email that is sent to students. Terminology note: at my institution, students are enrolled in degrees that we call Courses. Courses are made up of Subjects. There are many different names across higher education for the individual unit of study – units, course, subject. 1. Results breakdowns As a student, I

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Setting up for Round 2 of Teaching with Teams

Refining my Teams setup Back in June, I blogged about my experiences using Teams to teach my undergraduate auditing subject in Autumn semester (Semester 1 in Australia). Based on the anonymous student feedback survey and my own navel-gazing – there were three areas that needed improvement – conveying information about assessment tasks, organising recordings of our synchronous classes and virtual office hours. 1. Information about assessment tasks Students were used to using Blackboard as the main learning platform – so when we moved to Teams, I used it in the same way – I added the Assessment Task guides as

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Microsoft Teams for teaching auditing

Why Microsoft Teams? I had seen Teams being used by Dr David Kellerman at UNSW to create a dynamic learning community and this greatly interested me. I’ve always found learning to be a social activity and the idea of creating a more social learning experience was extremely appealing – in the past, I had found students much more willing to engage in Facebook groups than on Blackboard discussion boards. I started investigating how I might use Microsoft Teams for teaching and I was lucky enough to chat with great people from Microsoft who pointed me in the direction of demos,

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